Approved Courses + Program Areas

Not all departments offer their courses each year.
For current course listings, please consult

List of Approved Courses at the 100- and 200-level

Please note: This is a DRAFT document, and course inclusion is based on drafters’ surface judgements based on course titles. Inclusion may change after consultation with departments and instructors. New courses which are now in the approval process may be added in the future.

AFST 250 (3/6) Introduction to African Studies

AMNE 151 (3) Greek and Roman Mythology (previously CLST 105)
AMNE 251 (3) Near Eastern and Biblical Mythology (previously RELG 201)
AMNE 260 (3) Scriptures of the Near East (previously RELG 203)
AMNE 265 (3) Eden to Exile: Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (previously RELG 209)

ANTH 206 (3) Anthropology of the Supernatural: Vampires, Witches and Zombies
ANTH 220 (3) First Nations of British Columbia

ASIA 100 (3) Introduction to Traditional Asia
ASIA 110 (3) Introduction to the Major Eastern Religions
ASIA 250 (3) Introduction to Buddhism
ASIA 258 (3) Religion in South Asia
ASIA 328 (3) Modern Islam (previously RELG 208)

CENS 201 (3) Contrasts and Conflicts: The Cultures of Central, Eastern and Northern Europe

HIST 101 (6) World History to Oceanic Contact
HIST 102 (6) World History from 1500 to the Twentieth Century
HIST 103 (6) World History Since 1900
HIST 107 (3) Global Indigenous Histories
HIST 202 (3/6) Gateway to the Middle Ages
HIST 220 (3/6) History of Europe
HIST 256 (3) History of Africa
HIST 271 (3) Japan and Global History, 1550 – 1900
HIST 273 (3) History of India
HIST 280 (3) Islamic World History

MDVL 210 (3) Introduction to Medieval Studies

SOCI 220 (3) Sociology of Indigenous Peoples

Language Courses that are Based in Religious Literatures

Please note: This is a DRAFT document. Other 100-200 language courses may be added to this list with the advisor’s approval if they are linked to religious literatures.

ARBC 101 (3) Beginning Classic Arabic I
ARBC 102 (3) Beginning Classic Arabic II
ARBC 201 (3) Intermediate Classical Arabic I
ARBC 202 (3) Intermediate Classical Arabic II

GREK 101 (3) Beginning Ancient Greek I
GREK 102 (3) Beginning Ancient Greek II
GREK 201 (3) Intermediate Ancient Greek I
GREK 202 (3) Intermediate Ancient Greek II

HEBR 101 (3) Beginning Biblical Hebrew Part I
HEBR 102 (3) Beginning Biblical Hebrew Part II
HEBR 201 (3) Intermediate Biblical Hebrew I
HEBR 202 (3) Intermediate Biblical Hebrew II

LATN 101 (3) Beginning Latin I
LATN 102 (3) Beginning Latin II
LATN 201 (3) Intermediate Latin I
LATN 202 (3) Intermediate Latin II

List of Approved Courses at the 300- and 400-level

Areas of Study:

Please note: This is a DRAFT document, and course categorization is based on drafters’ surface judgements based on course titles. Categorization may change after consultation with departments and instructors. New courses which are now in the approval process may be added to the categories below in future drafts.

Area A: Religion in the Contemporary World

ARTH 342 (3) Latin American Art: Modern and Contemporary
ARTH 350 (3) Grounding the Islamic Image
ARTH 376 (3) Arts of the Northwest Coast Peoples: The North
ARTH 377 (3) Arts of the Northwest Coast Peoples: The South

ASIA 301 (3) Buddhism in the Modern Era
ASIA 311 (3) Tibetan Buddhism
ASIA 332 (3) Confucianism in China and Beyond: Reinventions of Tradition
ASIA 382 (3) Buddhism in China (equiv. to RELG 365)
ASIA 383 (3) Common Religious Traditions in China
ASIA 385 (3) Chan/Zen Buddhism: Doctrine and Practice
ASIA 387 (3) Japanese Religions
ASIA 388 (3) Buddhist, Brahamanical and Jain Philosophers in Interaction (equiv. to PHIL 388)
ASIA 488 (3) Religion, Society and the State in Modern India

CENS 303 (3/6) Representations of the Holocaust (in English)

PHIL 388 (3) Buddhist, Brahamanical and Jain Philosophers in Interaction (equiv. to ASIA 388)

Area B: Religious Cultures and Expressions

AMNE 314 (3) Early Empires of the Middle East (previously NEST 301)
AMNE 324 (3) Women in the Bronze Age, Classical Greek and Hellenistic Cultures (previously CLST 311)
AMNE 325 (3) Women in the Roman World of Republican and Imperial Times (previously CLST 312)
AMNE 345 (3) Greek Epic (previously CLST 313)
AMNE 346 (3) Latin Epic (previously CLST 314)

AMNE 347 (3) Classical Comedy (previously CLST 318)
AMNE 348 (3) Classical Tragedy (previously CLST 317)
AMNE 371 (3) Ancient Egypt: Archaeology of the Land of the Pharaohs (equiv. to ARTH 325), previously NEST 304
AMNE 376 (3) Greek Art and Architecture (equiv. to ARTH 331), previously CLST 331
AMNE 377 (3) Roman Art and Architecture (equiv. to ARTH 332), previously CLST 332

ANTH 329 (3/6) Contemporary First Nations Issues
ANTH 332 (3/6) Oral Tradition
ARTH 311 (3) Art in the Early Medieval West

ARTH 312 (3) Medieval Art in the Age of Monasticism
ARTH 321 (3) Early Modern Italian Art and Culture
ARTH 332 (3) Roman Art and Architecture (equiv. to CLST 332)
ARTH 351 (3/6) Art and Architecture in the Islamic World
ARTH 352 (3) Historic India: Images, Temples, and the Construction of Indian Art History
ARTH 353 (3) Nepal and Tibet: Art, Ritual and Performance
ARTH 358 (3) Chinese Art for the Afterlife
ARTH 364 (3) Sacred Art of Japan: Prehistory to the Twelfth Century
ARTH 370 (3) Arts of Mexico’s Early Peoples
ARTH 371 (3) Arts of the Aztec Period in Mexico
ARTH 372 (3) Maya Public Ritual Arts
ARTH 373 (3) Maya Objects of Identity, Wealth and Status

ASIA 308 (3) Myth, Ritual, and Epic in Ancient India
ASIA 330 (3) Islam in South Asia (1750 – present)
ASIA 331 (3) Islam in South Asia (750-1750)
ASIA 336 (3) Sufi and Bhakti Devotional Literatures
ASIA 341 (3) Classical Chinese Literature in Translation
ASIA 347 (3) Traditional Korean Literature in Translation
ASIA 348 (3) Great Literary Works of Classical India in Translation
ASIA 358 (3) Literature of Medieval India in Translation
ASIA 376 (3) The Sikhs: Formations, Contexts, and Historical Development
ASIA 378 (3) Philosophical Wisdom of Early India
ASIA 398 (3) Narrative Literature in Premodern India

CENS 303 (3/6) Representations of the Holocaust (in English)

ENGL 344 (3-6) Middle English Literature
ENGL 346 (3-6) Chaucer
ENGL 347 (3-6) Renaissance Literature

LAST 303 (3) Indigenous Peoples of Latin America

MDVL 301 (3) European Literature from the 5th to the 14th Century
MDVL 302 (3) European Literature from the 14th to the 16th Century

MUSC 328 (3/6) World Music Cultures
MUSC 330 (3) Music in Vancouver’s Ethnic Communities
MUSC 352 (3) History of Medieval Music
MUSC 353 (3) History of Renaissance Music

NORD 339 (3) Norse Mythology

PHIL 313 (3) Medieval Philosophy (equiv. to RELG 328)
PHIL 314 (3/4) Philosophy in the 17th Century
PHIL 315 (3/4) Philosophy in the 18th Century
PHIL 410 (3/4) Topics in Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 412 (3/4) Topics in Medieval Philosophy

Area C: Religious Histories

AMNE 331 (3) Jewish Law (previously RELG 335)
AMNE 341 (3) Sex, Lies, and Violence in the Hebrew Bible (previously RELG 307)
AMNE 351 (3) Religion in Ancient Egypt (previously NEST 312)
AMNE 355 (3) Greek Religion (previously CLST 333)
AMNE 356 (3) Roman Religion (previously CLST 334)
AMNE 361 (3) The Origins of Judaism (previously RELG 330)
AMNE 362 (3) Topics in Early Judaism (previously RELG 407)
AMNE 363 (3) Talmud, Midrash, and the Rabbinical Imagination (previously RELG 308)
AMNE 364 (3) The Prophetic Personality in Ancient Israel (previously RELG 305)
AMNE 366 (3) The Origins of Christianity: Social, Religious, and Political Millieux (previously RELG 317)
AMNE 367 (3) The Origins of Christianity: Literary Contexts (previously RELG 316)
AMNE 461 (3/6) Topics in Religion (previously RELG 475)
AMNE 463 RELG 414 (3) The Gospels and the Historical Jesus
AMNE 464 RELG 415 (3) The Life and Thought of Paul of Tarsus

ARTH 310 (3) Art and Christian Transformation in the Roman Empire

ASIA 302 (3) Theravada Buddhism
ASIA 303 (3) Mahayana Buddhism
ASIA 306 (3) Esoteric Buddhism
ASIA 308 (3) Myth, Ritual, and Epic in Ancient India
ASIA 371 (3) Foundations of Chinese Thought (equiv. to PHIL 371)
ASIA 372 (3) Development of Traditional Chinese Thought
ASIA 376 (3) The Sikhs: Formations, Contexts, and Historical Development
ASIA 377 (3) History of Korean Thought
ASIA 381 (3) Daoist (Taoist) Religion and Its Philosophical Background (equiv. to RELG 365)
ASIA 384 (3) The Zhuangzi (Chuang-Tzu)
ASIA 391 (3) Classical Islam (previously RELG 207)
ASIA 418 (3) Social History of India
ASIA 428 (3) Mughal India
ASIA 466 (3) The History of Christianity in Asia

CENS 307 (3) Witches: Myth and Reality

GERM 404 (3) Religion and German Literature (in English)

HEBR 479 (3-12) Supervised Study in Classical Hebrew

HIST 341 (3) Medieval Jewish History
HIST 342 (3) Modern Jewish History
HIST 366 (3) Europe During the Reformation
HIST 441 (3) History of the Holocaust

PHIL 364 (3) Darwin, Evolution, and Modern History

Area D: Theory and Method

AMNE 331 (3) Jewish Law (previously RELG 335)
AMNE 373 (3) Archaeology and the Bible (previously RELG 306)
AMNE 381 (3) Theories of Myth (previously CNRS 370)

ANTH 415/505 (2-6) Religion and Society

ASIA 468 (3) Approaches to the Study of Asian Religions
ASIA 470 (3) Comparative Conceptions of the Self (equiv. to PHIL 470)

ECON 482 (3) The Economic Consequences of Religion

GRSJ 410 (3) Religious Feminism

PHIL 347 (3/4) Philosophy of Religion

PSYC 404 (3) Psychology of Religion